Search all surgery videos Search by Category Educational Articles Publications Featured Conference/Discussion Glaucoma Surgery Complex IOL Surgery Iris Surgery Cataract Surgery Uncategorized Complex IOL Surgery Scleral suture loop intraocular lens repositioning with GoreTex suture by Ike Ahmed Scleral Spur Positioning for Suture Fixation by Ike Ahmed Treatment of Negative Dysphotopsia – Reverse Optic Capture Explantation of phakic posterior chamber IOL, Phaco and iStent for pigmentary glaucoma by Ike Ahmed Intraocular lens exchange, pars plana vitrectomy, with Artisan iris-claw IOL by Ike Ahmed Repositioning of intraocular lens to iris (suture fixation) by Ike Ahmed Scleral suture fixation of in the bag PCIOL by Ike Ahmed Explantation of calcified H60M intraocular lens by Ike Ahmed Artisan Aphakia Lens Implantation by Ike Ahmed Piggyback lenses in nanophthalmic eye with angle closure glaucoma by Ike Ahmed